
Lydon Solutions Clover AI for Construction

It's truly remarkable to witness the ever-evolving impact of technology on various industries. One technology that stands out is Artificial Intelligence, which has revolutionized many sectors. The construction industry, in particular, is experiencing an exciting transformation thanks to AI.

Lydon Solutions is leading the charge in this transformation by providing comprehensive AI solutions tailored for the construction industry. Through harnessing the latest AI advancements and Microsoft technologies such as Azure, SQL, Microsoft 365, and Construction Viz, Lydon Solutions is bringing state-of-the-art AI solutions to the forefront through its Clover AI platform.


Clover AI Solutions for Construction

Clover AI solutions and tools are:

  • Extensible, customizable, and can be delivered to any Microsoft 365 tenant.
  • Secure end-to-end in your Microsoft 365 tenant.
  • Construction-focused but usable across many different industries.
  • Robust and deliver value today.

Clover AI for Construction Solution Spotlight

Keep an eye on this space as we redefine what is possible using Microsoft AI technologies to solve construction challenges.

Get a Free Consultation

If you are interested in Clover AI or need other models for your construction projects, complete the form below to request a free one-hour consultation.